I have been asked to serve as the Juror (or Judge) for the 2009 Community Arts and Activities Center (CAAC) Juried Art Exhibition, November 7-29, 2009 in Jeannette, Pennsylvania. The art show will take place at Hanks Hall, 211 Gaskill Avenue, Jeannette, PA (off alley to the back of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity). This is an open, juried competition for works in all media. There is a young adult division for artists in grades 6-12 and the main adult division for artists 18 and older. Awards will be given (some of them for cash) and will include Best of Show, People's Choice Award, First, Second and Third Place, Honorable Mentions and a Purchase Award. More information, including entry deadlines, entry fees and drop-off / pick-up instructions and entry applications can be obtained by contacting in writing: CAAC, 211 Gaskill Avenue, Jeannette, PA 15644 or calling Sheila Defibaugh (724-527-2433) or Chris Mozley (724-527-5683). An entry form is available here. I sincerely appreciate this opportunity and I look forward to seeing and judging some mighty fine art!
Postscript - November 4, 2009: It was a sincere pleasure and honor to be able to judge this art show yesterday. It was very difficult assigning awards due to the large volume of extremely fine pieces which included mixed media sculpture, oil, watercolor, pen and ink, fabric art and other media. The artwork was hung on the wall of the very beautiful main sanctuary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity. Thanks again for allowing me to be apart of this artistic experience. I highly recommend this exhibit and may enter this show myself in the future. --Bob Bickers